
2011.9-2016.7 中國科學(xué)院大學(xué)高能物理研究所博士無機化學(xué)
1. “外源硫輸入對稻田土壤汞甲基化影響的機理研究”,國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目,2019-2021,主持,25萬
2. “同步輻射技術(shù)研究水稻甲基汞的自然消減機制子課題”,國家自然科學(xué)基金聯(lián)合重點項目,2021-2024,主持,59萬
3. “畜禽糞便還田對稻田土壤汞形態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)化的影響及機制研究”,福建省自然科學(xué)基金面上項目,2020-2023,主持,7萬
4. “生物炭和硫復(fù)合改良劑應(yīng)用于稻田土壤汞污染修復(fù)研究”,福建農(nóng)林大學(xué)杰出青年項目,2020-2022,主持,30萬
5. 橫向項目,2020-2021,主持,48萬
1. Li Yunyun, Zhu NL, Hu WJ, Lin GM, Li H, Li YF, Gao YX, Zhao JT. New insights into sulfur input induced methylmercury production and accumulation in paddy soil and rice, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 455, 131602. (IF=14.2,一區(qū))
2.Li Yunyun, Dai SS, Zhao, Huang Q, Gao YX, Liu YR. Amendments of nitrogen and sulfur mitigate carbon-promoting effect on microbial mercury methylation in paddy soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 448, 130983. (IF=14.2,一區(qū))
3.Li Yunyun, Lu C, Zhu NL, Jiang C, Zhang ZY, Wang YJ, Gao YX, Zhao JT. Mobilization and methylation of mercury with sulfur addition in paddy soil: Implications for integrated water-sulfur management in controlling Hg accumulation in rice. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 430, 128447. (IF=14.2,一區(qū))
4.Li Yunyun, Zhu NL, Zhao JT, Zhang ZY, Gao YX. Silica nanoparticles alleviate mercury toxicity via immobilization and inactivation of Hg(II) in soybean (Glycine max). Environmental Science-Nano. 2020, 7, 1807-1817. (IF=8.131,一區(qū))
5.Li Yunyun #, Zhao JT#, Liem-Nguyen V, Zhang ZY, Gao YX, Chai ZF. Understanding enhanced microbial MeHg production in mining- contaminated paddy soils under sulfate amendment: Changes in Hg mobility or microbial methylators? Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, 53 (4), 1844-1852. (IF=7.864,一區(qū))
6.Li Yunyun#, Wang YJ#, Hu WJ, Gao YX. Elemental sulfur amendment enhances methylmercury accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in Hg mining polluted soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 379, 120701. (IF=10.588,一區(qū))
7.Li Yunyun #, Li HL#, Yu Y, Hu C, Li H, Wang G, Li YF, Gao YX. Thiosulfate amendment reduces mercury accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant and Soil. 2018, 430(1-2), 413-22 (IF=3.259一區(qū)).
8.Li Yunyun, Gao YX, Chai ZF. The influence of iron plaque on the absorption, translocation and transformation of mercury in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings exposed to different mercury species. Plant and soil. 2016, 398(1), 87-97 (IF=3.052一區(qū)).
9.Li Yunyun, Guan JX, Xu B, Wang G, Lin GM, Li DR, Gao YX, Zhao JT. Molecular insights into mercury sequestration by the sulfate and biochar combined application strategy guide pollution treatments. ACS EST Engineering 2024, 4:761-770. (IF=8.0,封面文章)
10.Li Yunyun, He XC, Wang YJ, Xu B, Wang G. Organic fertilizer amendment increases methylmercury accumulation in rice plants. Chemosphere. 2020. 249: 126166. (IF=7.086,二區(qū))
11.Li Yunyun, Guan JX, Zhao JT, Li B, Li YF, Gao YX. Comparative study of the effects of different chelating ligands on the absorption and transport of mercury in maize (Zea mays L.).Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020. 188, 109897. (IF=6.291,小類一區(qū))
12.Li Yunyun, Gao YX, Li B, Chen CY, Li Y-F. Nanoelemental selenium alleviated the mercury load and promoted the formation of high-molecular-weight mercury- and selenium-containing proteins in serum samples from methylmercury-poisoned rats. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019, 169,128-133. (IF=6.291,二區(qū))
13.Li Yunyun, Hu WJ, Zhao JT, Chen QM, Wang W, Li B, Li YF. Selenium decreases methylmercury and increases nutritional elements in rice growing in mercury-contaminated farmland. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2019, 182, 109447. (IF=6.2,二區(qū))
14.Li Yunyun #,Zhao JT#, Guo JX, Liu MJ, Xu QL, H, Li Y-F, Zheng L, Zhang ZY, Gao YX. Influence of sulfur on the accumulation of mercury in rice plant (Oryza sativa L.) growing in mercury contaminated soils. Chemosphere, 2017, 182, 293-300 (IF=4.427,二區(qū))
15.Li Yunyun, Zhao JT, Li Y-F, Xu XH, Zhang BW, Liu YJ, Cui LW, Li B, Gao YX, Chai ZF. Comparative metalloproteomic approaches for the investigation proteins involved in the toxicity of inorganic and organic forms of mercury in rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots. Metallomics. 2016, 8(7), 663-671(IF=3.975二區(qū)).
16. Xie TH#, Li Yunyun#, Dong H, Liu Yu. Wang M, Wang G. Effects and mechanisms on the reduction of lead accumulation in rice grains throughlimeamendment Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019, 173, 266-272. (IF=4.872,二區(qū))
17. Wang, Y. Y., Feng, Y., Liu, X. T., Xu, Q. Li Yunyun*, Lin G* Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Halide X-ray Scintillator with High Antiwater Stability. Inorganic Chemistry.2024, 63, 35, 16224–16232 (IF = 4.25 小類一區(qū))
18. YY Wang, Yan JS, Qu H, Zhu L, Zhang J *, Li Yunyun*, 2D Organic-Inorganic Lead Perovskite: Advancing X-Ray Detection Capability Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024 (IF=5.8 二區(qū))
19. Lin YW, Yuan RZ, Zhou C, Zhang HM, Chen ZP, Li Yunyun*, Wang C*.The application of the scallop nanostructure in deep silicon etching.Nanotechnology. 2020, 31, 315301 (IF=3.874三區(qū)).
20. Li Yunyun, Li H, Li YF, Zhao JT, Guo J, Gao YX. Evidence for molecular antagonistic mechanism between mercury and selenium in rice (Oryza sativa L.): A combined study using 1, 2-dimensional electrophoresis and SR-XRF techniques. JJournal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2018, 50, 435-440 (IF=2.895三區(qū)).
21. Li Yunyun, Fan YQ, Zhao JT, Xu XH, Jing H, Shang LH, Gao YX, Li B, Li Y-F. Elevated mercury bound to serum proteins in methylmercury poisoned rats after selenium treatment. Biometals, 2016, 29, 893-903 (IF=2.183三區(qū)).
22.Li Yunyun, Li Y-F, Zhao JT, Gao YX, Chen CY. Accumulation and transformation of nanomaterials in ecological model organisms investigated by using synchrotron radiation techniques.Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 2015, 30, 2038-2047(IF=3.379 小類一區(qū)).
23.Li Yunyun, Zhao JT, He L, Wang L, Cui L, Li B, Li Y. Fast quantification and speciation of selenium in dietary supplements through handheld XRF and synchrotron radiation XAS. Atomic Spectroscopy. 2020, 41(3): 127-130 (IF=2.042四區(qū)).
25.張志淵,胡文俊,盧暢,官甲訓(xùn),王敏,李云云*,王果.不同生育期水稻對甲基汞的蓄積.福建農(nóng)業(yè)學(xué)報. 021,36(9),1-5
1. 王玉印、楊慧慧、李云云. 銅基有機金屬鹵化物單晶閃爍體及其制備方法和應(yīng)用. 2021109684270. 2024.07.(發(fā)明專利,申請)