1999.5-2003.1 清华大学 博士 防灾减灾工程?qing)防护工E?/p>
1986.8-1989.1 辽宁工程技术大?士 矿山工程
1979.9-1983.7 辽宁工程技术大?学士 矿井工程
2021.8-至今莆田学院 土木工程学院 学术委员 特聘教授
2004.4-2021.7 华L大学 新型l构体系研究中心 MQ 三教授
1996.10-2004.4 天|城市大学 土木工程p?副主?三教授
1983.7-1996.10 辽宁工程技术大?副教?/p>
1. “节能砌块隐形密框结构力学行Z性能抗震设计Ҏ(gu)”,国家自然U学基金Q?016-2019Q主持,74.4?/p>
2. “绿色节能装配式?砼组合结构抗震性能研究”,徏省高校学合作重大项目,2023-2025Q第二主持,40?/p>
3. “节能砌块隐形密框复合墙体抗火设计方法研I与应用”,徏省科技引导性项目,2020-2023Q主持,15?/p>
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[2] Research on hysteretic characteristics of EBIMFCW under different axial compression ratios [J]. earthquakes and Structures, 2022, 22(5): 464-473.
[3] A new energy-saving block & invisible multi-ribbed frame structure [J]. Construction Innovation, 2024, 24(7): 1-15.
[4] Seismic behavior of energy-saving block & invisible multi-ribbed frame walls with different sizes of openings [J]. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2020, 20(2): 473-487.
[5] Pseudo-static test research on EBIMFCW with different shear-span ratio [J]. International Journal of Structural Integrity, 2020, 11(3): 427-442.
[6] 装配式复合箍{约束高强凝土柱恢复力模型研究[J]. 振动与冲? 2022, 41(10): 205-214.
[7] Mechanical behaviors and deformation properties of retaining wall formed by grouting mould-bag pile [J]. Structural Durability and Health Monitoring, 2019, 13(1): 61-84.
[8] 不同z口位置节能砌块隐Ş密框墙体抗震性能[J]. 西南交通大学学? 2020, 55(2): 209-309.
[9] Analysis of hysteresis rule of energy-saving block and invisible multi-ribbed frame composite wall [J]. Structural Engineering and MechanicsQ?021, 77(2): 261-272.
[10] Seismic behavior of prefabricated high-strength concrete columns confined by overlapping stirrups [J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2021, 79(5): 579-591.
[11] Seismic performance of prefabricated reinforced concrete column-steel beam sub-assemblages [J]. Earthquakes and Structures, 2022, 22(2): 203-218.
[12] Measurement and Analysis of Settlement Induced by Rectangular Pipe Jacking in Silt Stratum [J]. Advances in Materials and Engineering, 2021, 8347227, 1-17.
[13] Experimental study on the mechanical and deformation properties of pipe and soil in rectangular pipe jacking construction with controllable cement grouting technology [J]. The Civil Engineering Journal, 2021, (11): 147-161.
1. 一U电(sh)梯井错位重力h装置Q专利号QZL201410446174.0Q授权日期:(x)2017. 01. 11Q国家发明专利,W一完成?
2. 一U电(sh)梯井错位重力h和送排风装|,专利P(x)ZL201410445641.8Q授权日期:(x)2017. 07. 21Q国家发明专利,W一完成?
3. 一U新型装配式混凝土柱Q专利号QZL201310746248.8Q授权日期:(x)2016. 03. 30Q国家发明专利,W一完成?
1. 大挠度下钢筋混凝土板的受拉薄膜效应,2013q度全国商业U技q步奖一{奖Q第二完成h.
2. 钢筋混凝土楼盖抗火设计理论及(qing)应用Q?014q度徏省科技q步奖二{奖Q第四完成h.
3. d?混凝土组合结构新技术研IӞ2014q度徏省科技q步奖三{奖Q第一完成?
4. 节能砌块隐Ş密框复合墙体关键技术研I与应用Q?015q度徏省科技q步奖三{奖Q第一完成?
5. 装配式约束凝土pH钢梁组合结构关键技术研I与应用Q?019q度徏省科技q步奖三{奖Q第一完成?
1. 2021q获得泉州市高层ơh才(W二层次Q?/p>
2. 2019q获得厦门市高层ơh才(Cc)
3. 2017q获得泉州市桐江学者奖p划特聘教?/p>
4. 2015q获得泉州市U技创新领军人才